.. _installation-from-source: Installation from Source ######################## Python Version -------------- neo-cli only support Python 3 or newer. Don't worry if you don't have Python3 installed. It's save to install Python3 alongside Python2. Both have different installation location. You can get python3 from your distro (GNU/Linux distribution) repository. .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install python3 Use :code:`python3` instead of :code:`python` when you want to use python3. :code:`which` help you tell you what program you are using (e.g :code:`which python3`) pip --- Get the pip for python3 with the following steps .. code-block:: bash $ curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py $ sudo python3 get-pip.py Then use pip with :code:`pip3`. Another way is to get it from your distro repository .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip Virtual environments -------------------- We strongly recommend using virtual environments to manage dependencies of your project. .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt-get install python3-venv Make new virtual environments with .. code-block:: bash $ python3 -m venv yourvenvname Active the venv (virtual environments) with .. code-block:: bash $ source yourvenvname/bin/activate Check if it's activated with .. code-block:: bash $ which python3 If the output point to yourvenvname location. Then you are set. Deactivate venv with .. code-block:: bash $ deactivate Dependencies ------------ Dependencies are located in requirements.txt Grab those dependencies with .. code-block:: bash $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt Install neo-cli from Source --------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ pip3 install -e . Test if :code:`neo-cli` installed correctly .. code-block:: bash $ neo --help If you get the help output from :code:`neo-cli`. Then you are ready to have fun.